Source code for torch_two_sample.inference_trees

r"""Perform marginals inference in models of the form

  p(x) = exp(\sum_i z_ix_i) nu(x) / Z,

where nu(x) is one if x forms a valid spanning tree, or zero otherwise."""
from __future__ import division, print_function
import torch
from torch.autograd import Variable
from torch.nn.functional import relu

[docs]class TreeMarginals(object): r"""Perform marginal inference in models over spanning trees. The model considered is of the form: .. math:: p(x) \propto \exp(\sum_{i=1}^m d_i x_i) \nu(x), where :math:`x` is a binary random vector with one coordinate per edge, and :math:`\nu(x)` is one if :math:`x` forms a spanning tree, or zero otherwise. The numbers :math:`d_i` are expected to be given by taking the upper triangular part of the adjacecny matrix. To extract the upper triangular part of a matrix, or to reconstruct them matrix from it, you can use the functions :py:meth:`~.triu` and :py:meth:`~.to_mat`. Arguments --------- n_vertices: int The number of vertices in the graph. cuda: bool Should the function work on cuda (on the current device) or cpu.""" def __init__(self, n_vertices, cuda): self.n_vertices = n_vertices self.triu_mask = torch.triu( torch.ones(n_vertices, n_vertices), 1).byte() if cuda: self.triu_mask = self.triu_mask.cuda() n_edges = n_vertices * (n_vertices - 1) // 2 # A is the edge incidence matrix, arbitrarily oriented. if cuda: A = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(n_vertices, n_edges) else: A = torch.FloatTensor(n_vertices, n_edges) A.zero_() k = 0 for i in range(n_vertices): for j in range(i + 1, n_vertices): A[i, k] = +1 A[j, k] = -1 k += 1 self.A = A[1:, :] # We remove the first node from the matrix.
[docs] def to_mat(self, triu): r"""Given the upper triangular part, reconstruct the matrix. Arguments --------- x: :class:`torch:torch.autograd.Variable` The upper triangular part, should be of size ``n * (n - 1) / 2``. Returns -------- :class:`torch:torch.autograd.Variable` The ``(n, n)``-matrix whose upper triangular part filled in with ``x``, and the rest with zeroes""" if triu.is_cuda: matrix = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(self.n_vertices, self.n_vertices) else: matrix = torch.zeros(self.n_vertices, self.n_vertices) matrix.zero_() triu_mask = Variable(self.triu_mask, requires_grad=False) matrix = Variable(matrix, requires_grad=False) return matrix.masked_scatter(triu_mask, triu)
[docs] def triu(self, matrix): r"""Given a matrix, extract its upper triangular part. Arguments --------- matrix: :class:`torch:torch.autograd.Variable` A square matrix of size ``(n, n)``. Returns -------- :class:`torch:torch.autograd.Variable` The upper triangular part of the given matrix, which is of size ``n * (n - 1) // 2``""" triu_mask = Variable(self.triu_mask, requires_grad=False) return torch.masked_select(matrix, triu_mask)
[docs] def __call__(self, d): r"""Compute the marginals in the model. Arguments --------- d: :class:`torch:torch.autograd.Variable` A vector of size ``n * (n - 1) // 2`` containing the :math:`d_i`. Returns -------- :class:`torch:torch.autograd.Variable` The marginal probabilities in a vector of size ``n * (n - 1) // 2``.""" d = d - d.max() # So that we don't have to compute large exponentials. # Construct the Laplacian. L_off = self.to_mat(torch.exp(d)) L_off = L_off + L_off.t() L_dia = torch.diag(L_off.sum(1)) L = L_dia - L_off L = L[1:, 1:] A = Variable(self.A, requires_grad=False) P = (1. / torch.diag(L)).view(1, -1) # The diagonal pre-conditioner. Z, _ = torch.gesv(A, L * P.expand_as(L)) Z = Z * P.t().expand_as(Z) # relu for numerical stability, the inside term should never be zero. return relu(torch.sum(Z * A, 0)) * torch.exp(d)